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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Voice Thread

I love the idea of using Voice Thread. I think it would be a great addition to use in classrooms. I found it rather easy to figure out and upload to. I like how there are so many options for adding comments: text, voice, by phone, etc. Programs like this one make learning much more personal. You can choose to have your voice thread be public or only allow certain users. Comments can also be moderated. Using voice thread reinforces the learning of material you are presenting. I found that it was easiest for me to write down what I wanted to record and then record it. After that, I also typed in the text in case viewers are unable to hear my voice. I had trouble getting my voice to come up loud enough on the website. By presenting information in a variety of media at once, it helps students who have different learning styles and also reinforces what they’ve learned.

I would probably use voice thread for students to share something that they created. Students could upload pictures of a project or part of a power point presentation and explain it or ask questions for their peers to answer or comment on. Students would also have the option of showing parents or others their voice thread being that it can be accessed from any computer with internet. Voice thread could also be used as an assessment piece. If students use it to present a project they created, it shows how much they learned and understood.

I think that using voice thread would have a positive impact on student learning. Students can choose to represent information in a way that works best for them. Students would also be more engaged and interested in what their peers have created and what feedback they receive. Students would also be learning more about how information can be shared and interpreted over a large audience.

1 comment:

  1. Good job on your voice thread. It was set up in a nice an orderly manner.
